
Majoring in Theology and Religious Studies

Note: Effective Fall 2023, all main campus courses have been renumbered using a new 4-digit numbering system.

It is recommended that students majoring with a concentration in “Christian Theology” or “Biblical Studies” fulfill the General Education Requirements by taking The Problem of God (THEO-1000) and Introduction to Biblical Literature (THEO-1100). Students majoring in other concentrations are encouraged to fulfill the General Education requirement by taking Problem of God (THEO-1000) and a course in their area of interest.

All THRS majors are required to take at least three seminar courses in Theology and Religious studies (i.e., 4000 level or above).  These courses have their enrollment capped at 20, and are open only to upper-level students.  The seminar format is meant to encourage student initiative in exploring topics and concerns within Theology and Religious Studies and to help students develop the tools necessary for the academic study of religion.  Finally, these courses have a strong writing component and are intended to improve students’ skills in written communication (e.g., critical thinking; analysis of texts and communication of insights; organization; the development of an argument based on appropriately justified claims, etc.).  Together these courses fulfill the university’s “Integrated Writing” requirement.

The concluding seminar, THEO-4969, fulfills the requirement of a comprehensive examination. 

Some courses in other departments or programs are cross-listed with THRS.  Up to three such courses can be used toward the THRS major (that is, no more than three courses can have non-THEO prefixes).

Students majoring in Theology and Religious Studies focus on one of five concentrations and must set up a program with an advisor designated for each concentration.  Please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Stephen Wilson) for more information.

  • Religion, Politics, and the Common Good Concentration. This concentration is for students who are interested in studying the role of religion in public affairs (domestically and globally)—and also the perspective that theology and religious studies have to offer today’s critical issues. The concentration requirements include the gateway course (2850: Religion, Politics, and the Common Good), at least two “advanced intermediate” courses numbered THEO 3000 or higher and at most two other “intermediate” courses numbered THEO 2000-2999 (all to be selected in consultation with the designated advisor for this concentration; note also that two of the intermediate or advanced intermediate electives can be taken outside the THRS department, approved in consultation with the advisor), one THEO seminar (4000-5999) in ethics, the capstone seminar (4008: Religious Liberty), and the Senior Seminar in Religious Pluralism (THEO-4969). Concentrators are encouraged but are not required to write a senior thesis (roughly 60 pages of original research under the guidance of a university faculty member).
  • Christian Theology Concentration. This concentration provides a grounding in the sacred writings, history, and systematic elaboration of the Christian faith. The requirements are: three core courses (one course in Systematic Theology 4270; one Scripture Seminar in the 4120-4170 range; and one course in the History of Christian Thought, either 4281 or 4282), at least two “advanced intermediate” courses numbered THEO 3000 or higher and at most three other “intermediate” courses numbered THEO 2000-2999 (all to be selected in consultation with the designated theology advisor for this concentration), and the Senior Seminar in Religious Pluralism THEO-4969.
  • Biblical Studies Concentration. This program is designed for students who wish to study extensively the books of the Bible, the traditions contained therein, the process of their formation, as well as the methodology for uncovering their meaning. The requirements are: two core courses (one Hebrew Scripture Seminar in the 4120-4140 range; one New Testament Seminar in the 4150-4170 range), one elective seminar numbered in the 400-5999 range, at least two “advanced intermediate” courses numbered THEO 3000 or higher and at most three other “intermediate” courses numbered THEO 2000-2999 (all to be selected in consultation with the designated advisor for this concentration), and the Senior Seminar in Religious Pluralism THEO-4969. 
  • Ethics Concentration. This concentration is designed for students who wish to understand the sources, methods, and topics of ethics from a religious perspective. Students may concentrate on Christian ethics, on ethics within a different religious tradition, or on religious ethics more generally, and may also focus on areas such as social justice, comparative ethics, or social and cultural moral issues. (The ethics concentration is currently being reconfigured. For requirements, see concentration advisor Michael Slater).
  • Religious Studies Concentration. This concentration is available for students interested in the comparative and critical study of various religious views (e.g., Asian Religions, Religions of the Middle East, or Comparative Methodologies in the Study of Religions); or in philosophical theology; or in the relation of religious ideas to their social and historical context; or in the relation of religion to other components of culture such as science, the arts, or the structures of governance. The requirements are: three core courses (Approaches to Religion 4000; one seminar in the Study of a Religious Community in the 4000 range or above; one seminar in Problems/Boundaries in Religious Studies in the 4000 range or above), at least two “advanced intermediate” courses numbered THEO 3000 or higher and at most three other “intermediate” courses numbered THEO 2000-2999 (all to be selected in consultation with the designated advisor for this concentration), and the concluding Senior Seminar in Religious Pluralism THEO-4969. 

Senior Honors Thesis (THEO-4998) may be undertaken by all Theology and Religious Studies majors under the direction of a faculty mentor with departmental approval. Consult the department website for procedures.

Theology and Religious Studies Minor Requirements include two general education theology and religious studies courses (1000 and 1100 are recommended for Christian studies, 1000 and another elective for other areas of religious studies) plus four electives. Minors are required to take at least one advanced level course in the 4000 level range or higher, and at least one “advanced intermediate course” in the 3000 level range or higher. Prospective minors are invited to come to the department for advice in selecting their courses. Examples of minor programs are available, some of which are organized around the student’s major.

Note: Students interested in Christian studies in graduate school are advised to take German, French, and/or Latin. Students preparing for graduate work in Biblical Studies are encouraged to take Greek and/or Biblical Hebrew. Students planning on graduate work in other areas of religious studies should seek advice from the Theology and Religious Studies Department about appropriate language studies to prepare for later research.

Required Courses

  • 2 General education theology and religious studies courses 

Religion, Politics, and the Common Good Concentration

  • Gateway Course on Religion, Politics, and the Common Good (2850)
  • 1 THEO seminar (4000-5999) in ethics
  • 1 elective seminar numbered THEO 4000-5999, approved by advisor
  • Capstone Seminar on Religious Liberty (4008)
  • At least 2 “advanced intermediate” electives numbered 3000-3999, approved by advisor. Note: a student may choose to fulfill one or both of these course requirements with a course numbered in the THEO 4000-5999 range.
  • No more than 2 “intermediate” electives numbered THEO 2000-2999, approved in consultation with an advisor. Note: as many as 2 intermediate or advanced intermediate required courses can be taken outside of the THRS department, approved in consultation with advisor
  • Senior Seminar on Religious Pluralism (4969)

Christian Theology Concentration

  • Systematic Theology (4270)
  • 1 History of Christian Thought (4281 or 4282)
  • 1 Scripture Seminar (from 4120-4170)
  • At least 2 “advanced intermediate” electives numbered THEO 3000-3999, approved by advisor. Note: a student may choose to fulfill one or both of these course requirements with a course numbered in the THEO 4000-5999 range.
  • No more than 3 “intermediate” electives numbered THEO 2000-2999, approved by advisor
  • Senior Seminar on Religious Pluralism (4969)

Biblical Studies Concentration

  • 1 Hebrew Scripture Seminar (4120-4140) 
  • 1 New Testament Seminar (4150-4170) 
  • 1 elective seminar numbered THEO 4000-5999, approved by advisor
  • At least 2 “advanced intermediate” electives numbered THEO 3000-3999, approved by advisor. Note: a student may choose to fulfill one or both of these course requirements with a course numbered in the THEO 4000-5999 range
  • No more than 3 “intermediate” electives numbered THEO 2000-2999, approved by advisor
  • Senior Seminar on Religious Pluralism (4969)  

Ethics Concentration

(See concentration advisor Michael Slater)

Religious Studies Concentration

  • Approaches to Religion (4000) 
  • 1 seminar (THEO 400-5999) in Study of a Community 
  • 1 seminar (THEO 4000-5999) in Problems/Boundaries in Religious Studies 
  • At least 2 “advanced intermediate” electives numbered THEO 3000-3999, approved by advisor. Note: a student may choose to fulfill one or both of these course requirements with a course numbered in the THEO 4000-5999 range.
  • No more than 3 “intermediate” electives numbered THEO 2000-2999, approved by advisor
  • Senior Seminar on Religious Pluralism (4969) 

See the online Undergraduate Bulletin for more information on course listings in theology and religious studies.