The Play of Wisdom: A Hindu-Jewish-Christian Conversation

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The Theology Department, Georgetown University Invites you to

A Hindu-Jewish-Christian Conversation

The Play of Wisdom:

Friday, November 10, 2017, at 2:00 p.m.

in Copley Formal Lounge 

RSVP on Eventbrite!

Professor Graham M. Schweig of Christopher Newport University and Professors Ariel Glucklich and Leo D. Lefebure of Georgetown University will lead a conversation on the Play of Wisdom in the Hindu, Jewish, and Christian traditions.

Chokmah (Wisdom personified as a gracious woman) in the Hebrew Bible is a playful, polyvalent symbol for the transforming experience of God in the cosmos and human life.  Ancient Israelite sages trusted that the wise of other traditions were aware of her, and so she offers an invitation to interreligious reflections.  Christians have embraced Wisdom, often in her Greek name of Sophia, as a way of naming the presence of God in Jesus Christ and as an opening to dialogue with other religious traditions.  Hindus honor Wisdom in many forms, including the Dance of Divine Love in the dramatic love poem, the Rasa Lila, which offers interesting points of comparison with the biblical tradition, and in the Bhagavad Gita.  The conversation will note how the distinguished Catalan Catholic theologian Raimon Panikkar explored the dwelling places of Wisdom as a way of probing deeply into the relations among the Jewish, Christian, and Hindu traditions. All are welcome to attend.

Professor Graham Schweig is a noted scholar of the Vaishnava tradition and has published a translation and commentary of the Bhagavad Gita and a translation of the Rasa Lila of Krishna from the Bhagavata Purana.  He is a long-time participant in the Christian-Vaishnava dialogue that is co-sponsored by Georgetown University.  Professor Ariel Glucklich is a distinguished scholar of the Hindu tradition, and Professor Leo Lefebure is a Christian theologian who is a long-time participant in interreligious dialogues.

Event Accessibility: Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by Wednesday, November 8, 2017, to Ms. Nelise Jeffrey, Theology Department, 202-687-5846,  A good faith effort will be made to fulfill requests made after that time.